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Add pURL Marketing to your Strategy

What is a PURL?

What is a personalized URL? It is a unique URL generated for each recipient in a databse ( that takes them to their own pre-generated, personalized mini-site. Once the recipient has logged in, the mini-site can interact with them by name, personalize the content of the mini-site (images, text, pre-populated forms) based on information from the marketer’s database or on answers given by the respondent on the survey page, and record visitors’ behavior while on site. Our personalized mini-sites can also be set up to trigger automatic follow-ups, such as direct mailers, emails, brochures, sales, sales calls, or other touches the marketer might determine.

The technology for creating personalized URLs, in itself, is simple. It is in the design engine, the flexibility of the templates, and the larger workflow / multichannel marketing solution into which it is built that the differentiation aThe technology for creating personalized URLs, in itself, is simple. It is in the design engine, the flexibility of the templates, and the larger workflow / multichannel marketing solution into which it is built that the differentiation and strength of a campaign can be realized.nd strength of a campaign can be realized.

Advantages of PURL Campaigns

Studies have shown that PURLs are eye-catching and irresistible, effectively boosting response rates. Our PURL campaigns allow you to open a direct dialog with members of your target audience, and include incentivized surveys and questionnaires. PURLs are ideal for increasing the depth and complexity of your existing mailing list. In addition, Personalized URL (PURL) campaigns produce very detailed tracking data, so you can quickly respond to customer feedback and build even more targeted and relevant campaigns.

• Deliver Leads to Your Sales Staff Instantly
• Personalize and Customize Your Marketing
• Gather Information About Your Customers
• Analyze and Respond to Campaign Results


Tracking & Analyzing

Activity on the PURLs are captured in detail, providing targeted information for future marketing. We track real time information on how customers are interacting with your campaign, providing detailed reports and allowing you to modify offers, follow up on sales leads, and make the necessary adjustments to improve ROI.

Our reporting system is easy to understand, regardless of your skill level, so you don’t have to be an analytics professional to understand what’s happening in your campaigns.